Estimation of Solar Radiation, Management of Energy Flow and Development of a New Approach for the Optimisation of the Sizing of Photovoltaic System; Application to Algeria

Zakaria Bouzid, Nassera Ghellai, Miloud Benmedjahed


The design of photovoltaic systems is an important step, its optimization, as well as the optimization of different parameters, is a crucial operation. In our work, after estimating hourly solar radiation, we developed energy flow models for photovoltaic power based on the concept of solar usability. Then, we used a genetic algorithm to develop our own computer program (with Python) to find the best configuration (total surface of the panels, PV efficiency and total capacity of batteries) among those that meet our needs. We applied our study to a region in southern Algeria, Bechar.


Photovoltaic; Algeria; Optimization; Genetic Algorithm; Solar usability

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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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