Data monitoring and performance analysis of a 1.6kWp grid connected PV system in Algeria

Adel Ghouari


The present study deals with the performance of a 1.6kWp grid connected PV system installed at Batna University, in Algeria. The average solar energy received was 5.21 kWh/m².d, the grid connected PV system seems to be a good candidate for generating electricity in this region. The system was monitored during one year of continuous operation and data analysis to evaluate the performance of the grid connected PV system. The performance ratio of the system ranged between 51 and 61%. Furthermore, the total produced energy by the PV array was 1931.7kWh and the supplied energy to the grid was 1705kWh. The annual final yield was 1065.6kWh/kWp. Moreover, an analysis of the energy losses in the system was performed, this makes it possible to determine the effect of the capture and system losses on the total energy balance of the system. All the electricity generated by the system was fed into the internal electrical grid of the university.


energy;renewable energy;solar energy

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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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