Optimal Sizing of Photovoltaic Systems Using HOMER for Sohar, Oman

Majid Mohammed, Ahmed Aziz, Hussein A. Kazem, Ali H. A. Alwaeli


This paper discussed the design and analysis of Photovoltaic (PV) system to supply lighting load for Renewable Energy Lab. The procedure of this paper was the collection of the basic meteorological data of solar radiation for Sohar-Oman, and then standalone system optimization simulation model was developed using the renewable energy software HOMER. Simulation model has been used to find out the best result optimization based on energy efficient system for the specific load. The optimization found that the PV array rated capacity is 0.7 kW, which produces 1,316 kWh/yr. The results indicate that the solar energy utilization is an attractive option with initial cost, net present cost of the system, and energy cost are 3,425 $, 6,233 $, and 0.561 $/kWh, respectively, in comparison with diesel generator operating cost 0.558 $/kWh. We conclude that using the PV system for different applications in Oman is justified on economic and technical grounds.


Photovoltaic, Solar System Design, Optimization, HOMER

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v3i2.583.g6140


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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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